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PlayStation 4 vs Xbox One: Which is Best?

What to Choose: PS 4 or Xbox One?

You're either a PlayStation 4 person or you're an Xbox One person. There is no in between. Well, this may not be entirely true, but chances are you would prefer one of these devices over the other. How do you know which one you should buy? I'm glad you asked, and I'm glad you're here because that's exactly what this article is all about. Keep an open mind and read on before you make your final decision.

game consoles

PlayStation 4 vs Xbox One- exclusivity

Now of course, one of your main reasons for wanting a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One is the games. Is it really important to you to have the most exclusive and wide variety of games available? If so, then you will want to go with Sony's PlayStation 4. The PlayStation 4 simply has more available games that you can ONLY play on the PlayStation 4. So the PlayStation wins if you’re looking for exclusivity. Microsoft is lagging behind in the exclusive release of games. PlayStation has many heavy-hitter, super popular games that can only be played on the PlayStation 4. If you are looking to get a PlayStation or an Xbox to play a specific game, you may want to make sure that you can play it on your chosen device. Many people will favor the PlayStation 4 simply because of the wider availability of games. But if you will delve a little deeper you may find that there are reasons to keep the Xbox One under consideration.

Online gaming

One of the major considerations when choosing a PlayStation 4 or an Xbox One is the online gaming ability. Each device offers online gaming ability for a fee. The cost is about the same for both, but they have different options. PlayStation offers PlayStation Network and Xbox One offers Xbox live. Both services give free games as long as you continue to subscribe each month.

Both PlayStation and Xbox also offer users a Netflix type gaming service. Let's start with PlayStation 4’s offering. With PlayStation Now, users have the option of playing more than 650 games that come from PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4 games. Users can play these games on a PlayStation 4 or a PC. There are even some games you can download. This service costs $20 a month or $100 a year.

Xbox offers Game Pass. With game pass users can download more than 100 Xbox, Xbox 360, and Xbox one games onto their Xbox. It cost only $10 a month. A benefit of this service is that when Microsoft releases a new game, it shows up on game pass. Many users believe this service is one of the best deals out there for gaming. Instead of having to spend $50 or $60 a game, for just $10 a month you have access to all new releases.

Cross play ability

Microsoft has been kind of a leader in setting the trend of cross play in the video game industry. This means that gamers on different consoles can play together. For example, Minecraft is a Microsoft owned game that can be played on just about any device. Minecraft players on Xbox One can play players on Nintendo, iPhone, and even PCs or Macs. Users aren't constrained to just Microsoft Xbox One devices.

Backwards compatibility

While Sony can boast a large collection of exclusive games, Microsoft can boast backward compatibility. Xbox is constantly adding to the queue of games that are backwards compatible. That means if you have a disc for an old Xbox game you can put it in your Xbox one, and if you own the game digitally it will show up in your games library. This is a feature that Microsoft added after the Xbox One originally launched. This means that Xbox players don't have to feel like they have to get rid of their old games that they know and love. They can carry these games into the future and continue to play them on new Xbox devices.

The controllers

Now of course, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are going to have amazing controllers. They both have two thumbsticks, a directional pad, and a few other buttons. Both are easy to pick up and learn to use right away. When you consider the fact that some huge games are made to be released on both the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, it stands to reason that both controllers have to be kind of similar in function in order to work.

The controller shouldn't really be an issue either way. If you spend any amount of time gaming, you will not have any problems with either controller even if you've never used one of them before. It's really an issue of personal choice when it comes to which controller is better.

The takeaway

Can you decide which device is best? If so, that’s the one for you. The decision you make should be based on which factors are most important to you because you can’t really go wrong with either the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One.