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Blog posts tagged with 'mac os'

macOS 13 at WWDC
The WWDC is an annual developer conference. It happens each June, and everybody is excited. This year Apple scheduled the macOS 13 to come out. We don't know a lot of details about this OS, so we are waiting for some nice surprises. Let’s dive in some of the information we have found about the newest version of Mac’s OS.
A Beginner's Guide to Apple Mac
Have you bought a first Mac? Congratulations! Now it's time to learn how use it. And we're confident that with these few tricks, getting started will be easy for anyone who has never used one before--or at least hasn't since they were kids Here is our complete guide on macOS - from launching programs all the way down to setting your display preferences so everything looks just right.
Mac OS versus PC: Pros and Cons
Are you camp Mac or camp PC? Both operating systems have die-hard fans. However, some tend to feel that Mac has a better operating system than windows or even Linux based systems. Regardless of this opinion, this article is going to take a look at some of the pros and cons of owning and using a Mac operating system versus a PC.