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What MacBook or Apple product will I need to run Apple's new AI system

Firstly Apple's new intelligence system is being heralded as a complex powerful AI app. However at this point in time, the specifics are vague as to the exact features. However Apple has been a bit more specific about the type of hardware that will be needed to run the app.

IPhone – The chip required will be an A17 Pro with iOS 18

iPad- The chip required will be an A17 Pro with iPad iOS 18

MacBook – 2020 M1 chip onwards running Mac OS 15 Sequoia

iMac - M1 chip onwards running Mac OS 15 Sequoia

Mac Mini, Mac Pro, Mac Studio - M1 chip onwards running Mac OS 15 Sequoia

It seems from the hardware requirements it is very probable the Apple Intelligence app is going to be very resource-hungry. If you have an older Mac then your best alternative is to use one of the very powerful browser-based AI systems that use the cloud processing power rather than the machines.

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